This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By History Teacher - 22/11/2017 05:55

Today I handed a student back their assignment from last week. They recoiled in horror, and yelled at me for "misgendering them". They are genderfluid, and apparently did not feel the gender they did on the assignment they submitted themselves last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111
You deserved it 5

Top comments

PhantomCrevan 8

The students behavior was inappropriate for raising their voice at you (unless you did so first and left that out) and they should definitely get whatever the standard punishment is for that. That said, to avoid a repeat, ask them to come up with a easily visible way to determine what pronouns to use that day- colored bracelet or necklace, hair pins, cloves, belt, etc are all common ways to do so- or ask if they would prefer for you to refer to them by singular they at all times. Or ask them to inform you what gender to use before class, which is the third option taken by many genderfluid people.

I think genderfluid is a difficult state to live with. but there is no way they should have yelled at you or reacted like that. appalling behaviour. I hope you have them detention where you could talk about it and try to reach a compromise in terms of knowing their preferred gender. but they need to react maturely and politely


And you tell them you don't care and the grade stands as is. Do not placate their insane delusions. There is a difference between Transgender and make believe.

PhantomCrevan 8

Okay, why the hell did you bring the grade on the assignment into it? OP didn't say anything about the grade or that the student said something about the grade. Also, given that OP is using the singular they pronoun to refer to the student, they apparently believe them to some extent-which given how unlikely it is that someone would uphold a long term lie that would not only induce social gender dysphoria, but also put them at risk of being the victim of "corrective" beatings and even rape- is a far more logical stance than calling it make believe.

I think genderfluid is a difficult state to live with. but there is no way they should have yelled at you or reacted like that. appalling behaviour. I hope you have them detention where you could talk about it and try to reach a compromise in terms of knowing their preferred gender. but they need to react maturely and politely

PhantomCrevan 8

The students behavior was inappropriate for raising their voice at you (unless you did so first and left that out) and they should definitely get whatever the standard punishment is for that. That said, to avoid a repeat, ask them to come up with a easily visible way to determine what pronouns to use that day- colored bracelet or necklace, hair pins, cloves, belt, etc are all common ways to do so- or ask if they would prefer for you to refer to them by singular they at all times. Or ask them to inform you what gender to use before class, which is the third option taken by many genderfluid people.