Where am I?

By awalc - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up with Skittles superglued to my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 259
You deserved it 6 147

Top comments

Ah, you must be one of those people that thinks glue isn't real and Elmer's school glue is actually a bottle of bull sperm.


annthaaman 0

They aren't superglued - someone just licked them and stuck them there.

Doc is wrong all the time. His alzheimers is starting to kick in. Yes he's that old.

Ah, I love this little fan club here.

A_Teen - who the hell are you talking about? What? Now get off my lawn and stuff.

KiddNYC1O 20
KiddNYC1O 20

Sorry, #3. Didn't catch it sooner. But in my defense, it's a highly tempting response.

That's a sticky situation. (arms himself for hurricane of thumbs downs)

But he can't taste them because They're on his forehead. Whenever he tries to lick them, his forehead moves with him.

Sucks for the person who glued it now they don't have a sweet rainbowy snack