What is it with these dudes?

By Pancake butt - 16/09/2023 00:02

Today, I saw my husband comment on a celebrity’s Instagram post that he would “eat her ass like a cupcake.” I’ve asked him to do the same to me once and he told me wasn’t into eating ass. So when I called him out on it, he replied, “Maybe if you did squats and worked out that pancake butt of yours, I would.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 531
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because they hide their disdain for women until they have you financially in a bind and it's legally difficult to leave.

Tell him you'll work your "pancake butt" when he grows a bigger ****


Tell him you'll work your "pancake butt" when he grows a bigger ****

tiptoppc 19

He’d just have to get it up at least once for her to jump that low bar.

DirtySalamander 9

that's not even a good comparison. a man can't lengthen their **** but you can make your ass bigger. think

how do people even end up in relationships like this? I'm my partner was ever even remotely mean to me it would be over...

Because they hide their disdain for women until they have you financially in a bind and it's legally difficult to leave.

You only say that kind of stuff when you know there's zero chance of it ever happening. If the celeb came over and shoved her ass into his face, I'll bet he'd chicken out.

HouseOfM 8

just because someone is willing do something in bed doesn't mean they are willing to do it with everyone they sleep with. if a partner is awful with sexting role-playing is probably not going to happen.