We heard you

By PeePee - 03/07/2009 19:19 - United States

Today, at work I had to use the bathroom. I asked my boss to watch my register and quickly walked into the bathroom. I squatted down and peed. A minute later I heard someone ask over our walkie talkie system who was using the bathroom. I had been pressing the intercom button while I peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 018
You deserved it 13 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were pressing the intercom button with WHAT? o_0

At least you weren't taking a huge massive noisey dump!


tell them its their turn to do it know

Well, maybe you reminded them they needed to go to the restroom too.

ohh_its_rg 0


At least it was the sound of peeing rather than explosive farts and diarrhea.

oh I didn't know I don't have a wallow talkie and never touched one or have seen it closely.


happens about once a year on our police band. If people are nice they'll call out "open mic".

I'VE DONE THAT BEFORE!!!! I also have been called on the walkie talkie while going to the bathroom and I had to explain to the attractive manager why I was to busy to help him =P