Very funny, Mom

By ThanksMa - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my mother and I walked past my boyfriend, whom she's never met. After we casually greeted each other and went on our way, my mother said, "He's cute. Who is he?" I paused for a second and replied, "That's my boyfriend." She then said, "Does he know that?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 096
You deserved it 14 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well... Were you ashamed to introduce him or something? No wonder she'd ask if you guys were so cool to eachother.

if he was your boyfriend why did you just casually say hi and walk past?


Pretty sure a lot of you are taking this the wrong way. By them just casually saying hi or whatever, her mom probably saw it as the guy just blowing it off. He was probably nervous with seeing her mom so he wanted to not be rude to the girlfriend by not saying hi, but was ready to bolt. She said "does he know that?" considering the lack of 'boyfriend' he was showing. It wasn't a diss to her... it was more like "well that was strange... does he know you're dating? He didn't act like it." Yea, my boyfriend is the same way. He won't show any sort of PDA and I myself feel like we aren't even dating. And we've been together 8 months.

kjxmlxmon 0

i'm sure she's just joking. i mean hopefully. but how does she not know who your boyfriend is. but still, that's not really something you expect from your own mom, so that sucks.

woaherlyn 0

Y wouldn't u just tell her. U made urself look like a dumass.

Well duh. Of course your mom would ask that. Who would have thought that a fat chick like you would get a boyfriend. Is he blind, deaf, or retarded? Let me answer that. He must be retarded because a blind man would dump you after his first hug, the deaf man would would never go out cause he can SEE you, and the retarded man would yell go on a diet and walk away. So sorry. Go on a diet.

kkbanks 0

they said hi casually because the mom and boyfriend have never met so then it would be like really awkward if they just did..

lol my dad did the same thing when he found out that I had a girlfriend lol

kennedyboopants 1

guess ur ******* ugly hoe(; ?

BrittBritt1355 9

Lol love the quick response from your mom :p lol