Vampire mode

By Anonymous - 01/08/2023 10:00

Today, my doctor put me on a new medication that came with the warning to stay out of the sun. I live in the desert and my country is having the highest temperatures recorded ever in human history. Guess I should stock up on white, long sleeve shirts. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 713
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look up guides on how to keep temperatures manageable inside and see if that works out for you, because if at all possible, you want to avoid triggering medicine-induced photosensitivity.

You should have long sleeve, cotton shirts and a hat in the desert anyway. Skin cancer is a thing...


Or don't go outside, like the rest of us are doing this summer.

Look up guides on how to keep temperatures manageable inside and see if that works out for you, because if at all possible, you want to avoid triggering medicine-induced photosensitivity.

You should have long sleeve, cotton shirts and a hat in the desert anyway. Skin cancer is a thing...

Black clothes protect better from UV rays than white ones. You do get hotter, though.