
By Anonymous - 30/06/2016 14:14 - United States - Coldwater

Today, I am one year away from getting a university degree. Unfortunately, my parents just kicked me out because I wouldn't drop out and work for free at our family's gas station. I'm now broke, homeless, and have no way to pay for school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 351
You deserved it 1 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense but your parents are idiots

well your parents are assholes. no real parent would do that, a real parent would make sure you graduate college and get a better job in order to be more successful then them.


Wait till winter and then slip on ice in their driveway, you'll have plenty of money

would they let you work a few hours there while doing school too like in you free time

Why the **** would OP want to work for them when they pull shit like this?

Garnetshaddow 30

I'm so sorry. Talk to your school and fill out a FAFSA. (If you don't already.) There should be some help out there. I hope you find it. Good luck.

You should talk with your school and see if they have any grant programs to help out students in situations like yours. The school I work at has something like that and if might help cover the cost of your last year

What the actual **** is wrong with your parents

They payed for most of his degree and let him live with them during it. Judging by the timing of the post I'd say he was asked to work for free and help out during the break or be kicked out. If his parents have payed for everything then did he not have a job ever? Doesn't he have savings? Lots of people don't have help from there parents and still go to college! Why can't he? He only has to pay himself for ONE YEAR! He should consider himself lucky and get a job. It's horrible how he is giving out that after everything his parents have already done for him he's complaining that they are asking him to help out!

I paid for eight years of university (two degrees) entirely on my own. I worked three jobs to do it. It really sucked, but is not impossible. You can apply for student loans and scholarships. Make sure you budget carefully and have some sort of plan for how you are going to use your degree to pay off your debt afterwards. If anything, I felt more motivated to make the most of my studies, and I did much better than many of my classmates who were getting a free ride. Hang in there, you can do it! :)

healthcarechick 9

You're parents are a joke! Don't give up! You can get loans and grants and stuff. You can do it!

They payed for most of his degree and let him live with them during it. Judging by the timing of the post I'd say he was asked to work for free and help out during the break or be kicked out. If his parents have payed for everything then did he not have a job ever? Doesn't he have savings? Lots of people don't have help from there parents and still go to college! Why can't he? He only has to pay himself for ONE YEAR! He should consider himself lucky!

Dear Karma.. please don't ever have kids if you are already planning in abandoning them when they need you. You sound like a very resentful person who because didn't get any help, wants everyone to suffer as much as you did.

This is a real FML, so sick of people complaint about stupid bullshit when some people have real problems. My parents would do something like this so I feel ya

Try to pull some loans or something! Good luck and do NOT give up!