Travelling light

By maddengirl12 - 20/02/2014 08:57 - United States

Today, my mom and I flew three hours from Wyoming to a volleyball camp in Kentucky. When we arrived, we went to the volleyball center and told them I was there for the volleyball camp. They told me it had been cancelled two weeks ago and they forgot to call us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 509
You deserved it 3 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sucks and they really dropped the ball. Sorry your camp got cancelled OP and you wasted money flying down too. Some people are just careless and inconsiderate

Wizardo 33

Should phone up the appropriate people and demand reimbursement for the flight fees and improve their common courtesy, in the meantime enjoy Wyoming


Wow, how irresponsible are they? Definitely demand a refund for the camp and reimbursement for your flight and any charges you may accrue as a result of them "forgetting" to tell you the camp was canceled.

A cross state lawsuit? So either they stay in Kentucky/revisit in a few months/years. Or they try and drag a few sketchy people from the camp out to Wyoming. When chances are, the camp owners are broke anyways. So they end up costing themselves more money paying an attorney to file the case/plane tickets back. It's just not worth it over a few hundred bucks. It sucks, but you're out that. Unless you live close and can just do small claims.

I'm from wyo and stationed in Kentucky. I feel for you

aaaaand that's why you, or your mom, were supposed to call them a couple of days in advance to make sure that everything is still set.

If you're flying anywhere always confirm the week before plans are set. However that doesn't mean you should not be reimbursed.

You best try and get some serious and deserved compensation for ye' troubles.

Well there's so many things to do in Kentucky... Well .. Not really. Sorry to hear that OP!

Try to make the best of it, OP! Pretend its a vacation! go get a really nice hotel, stay there for a week or two (depending on what you can afford) and have fun!

nairi09 12

Wow, that sucks....they should refund your tickets

Maybe it wouldn't be worth the effort to sue unless they refuse to compensate her, but her mom definitely deserves reimbursement for the plane ticket, and perhaps even for lost wages for the work hours she may have given up to be there. I'd threaten to post scathing reviews online and report them to the BBB. But suing wouldn't just be about the money. It's a way to hold businesses accountable so they remain diligent in not screwing over their customers with their incompetence.