By dcort - 08/04/2012 16:39 - United States - New York

Today, while I was getting out of the shower, I saw a spider climb into the ceiling vent. Wanting it to come out so I could kill it, I turned on the fan. It came out, along with a dozen of its friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 475
You deserved it 7 209

dcort tells us more.

dcort 4

Yes, but it wasn't strong enough to suck the spiders in, so instead they all got scared and ran out....

Top comments

The itsy bitsy spider went in the ceiling vent. I turned on the fan and - Oh **** there are spiders everywhere!

Shit like that is why I lay awake at night.


TheFamilyElf 17

Now I have two reasons to feel creepy crawlies all over me for the rest of the evening! :)

TheFamilyElf 17

Oh dear... Oh dear, dear, dear. I could not finish my shower after that. OP, they're invading. Rid your home of them quickly before they start coming out of the walls. That's horror movie shit.

onealmxwilson 18

You were reading this in the shower?

bizarre_ftw 21

It's not video, you can read FML on your phone anywhere from the work to a restaurant to the bath

onealmxwilson 18

She didn't say bath, she said shower. You try taking your phone in the shower and let me know how that works out for you.

bizarre_ftw 21

I have and it works just fine

so, do you have a picture of you showering with your pohne to proof it? just kidding ... or am I ;)

Dallasluver19 14

Oohh! That really sucks! I'm sorry. Call an exterminator:/

There was a wasp in the bathroom when I was taking a shower earlier. I generally wouldn't give a **** if there are wasps/bees/spiders or whatever near me, but I don't want anything that might bite me nearby while I'm naked.

I'm terrified of spiders...... ????

hahayourmom101 5

They were obviously having a spideey orgy. Abd you just had to want to join...

I would scream! I hate spiders of any kind!

KendratheUnicorn 0