By mom - 26/01/2014 04:29 - United States - Spring

Today, while driving home, my 3-year-old daughter told me she had to poop. I told her that she would have to wait until we got home. When we got home, she pulled down her pants and shat on the floor, because, "I'm home now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 931
You deserved it 10 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that really sucks. unfortunately small children can be rather literal!


In 10 more years you may well look back upon poop on the floor as "halcion days". Sorry.

YDI!! Should've found her a spot instead. Atleast next time you'll know better.

How do you know they weren't right down the street from home? Might wanna think about the possibilities before you jump to conclusions and are so quick to judge.

Labrynthian 6

LOL that's really cute. Smart kid.

elizacandle 29

sucks for you. but it will teach you that kids are very literal. next time say you have to wait until you can go to the restroom at the home.

3 is a funny age, toddlers can be good value. Just remember these stories for parental-blackmail

ranterguy1 0

This is a fake post. Identical to another newer one except the kid peed.

kids take words literally most times.... cant help but laugh though cause i can see mine doing it too LOL