By newly passed, newly grassed - 06/12/2014 17:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, while driving home, I swerved to avoid turning a duck and her babies into roadkill. Another car was coming around a sharp bend at the time and swerved to avoid hitting me. In the end, we both ran our cars off the road, and he took out several ducks in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 123
You deserved it 8 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It may sound irrational but you are actually spose to just hit the ducks and not swerve so you don't end up hurting someone else. Your efforts were valiant though.


tuffykat 8

maybe next time just hit your brakes and honk your horn to alert onvoming traffic to slow down and let the ducks cross that way....