By gingerlover01 - 30/01/2016 15:57 - United States

Today, when I went to see my therapist, she handed me a tube of tooth paste and said, "Please use it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 196
You deserved it 9 018

gingerlover01 tells us more.

I love how politely that was put but I do brush my teeth I just drink to much coffee and tea apparently

Top comments

snarkytruth 37

At least she gave you good advice you could use.

If she's going to assume that you don't brush your teeth; then go out of her way to get you some toothpaste, she could have at least bought a toothbrush to hand you along with it. She half-assed her bitch move. Just saying.


While your therapist was completely unprofessional in telling you, at least you know about the problem now and can fix it

You should brush your teeth. But it is rude of her to just hand a tube of toothpaste to your face

somewhere in the Discworld novels, a character called corporal Nobbs says he doesn't understand why people keep giving him soap products as gifts, since it's well known he never bathes.

Unless you mean to offend people with bad breath, it's a good thing you've been told. Don't worry about her tactlessness in letting you know, she may have been as troubled to raise the issue as you were to be told. The important thing is that somebody was finally honest enough to break past the social taboo and to tell you. Yet, she may not have told you enough. Toothbrushing alone might not be enough. Floss, use an interdental toothbrush, brush your teeth and use a mouthwash. Both ends of our digestive system stink, we must keep them both clean. This minor change might be the beginning of a serious improvement in your life. Goog luck!

I love how politely that was put but I do brush my teeth I just drink to much coffee and tea apparently

You need to chew gum after having coffee or tea.

Yep, that would do it. I Also brush my teeth twice a day but I have a cup of coffee every morning

Baron_Kaz 15

So? There are things called dental cleaning at a dentists office. If your teeth are discolored and your breath smells bad, then you don't take oral hygiene seriously. Don't be defensive, and change your ways! Shame on you!

Try brushing your tongue as well if that isn't something you normally do. That can really help with bad breath. Especially if you drink a lot of coffee.

Don't forget flossing. I know a lot of people with bad breath and teeth because, despite brushing, they get a lot of plaque build up because they never floss.

cheshireau 26

Last night I learnt on Embarrassing Bodies, bad breath is basically Bacteria Farts. The bacteria that is on your teeth eats the left over food on your teeth and the resulting bad breath smell is their excretions. Really gross if you think about it but at least it's an explanation.

There's not enough context so there's no way I can know for sure, but perhaps your therapist was advising you to use more self-care not because they think your breath stinks but because you may be depressed and generally self-care can help a bit (or at least from what I've heard). I kinda doubt it considering the way she put it though, but maybe it's one of those things where it just came out wrong.

Self care was something that helped me when I was severely depressed last year. Just the act of getting out of bed and showering and brushing my teeth and everything else was enough to put me in a better mood. It took a while, like it does for most people, along with other tactics my therapist had me use but I dug myself out. It really does help to just be nice to yourself :)

I don't believe it was that she one of those therapist who judge your every move and word, she doesn't help much but that's what happens when you hire a cheap therapist

Hey, you'd rather someone tell you than not know right?

Kind of a bitch move to assume you don't brush your teeth. If you have halitosis it could be a number of different things. The polite thing would be to offer you some mints or gum. If you refused, she would insist that you use it, giving you the hint that you have bad breath and it's disturbing to her without offending you or being so blatantly ignorant.

corky1992 33

Thats a bit rude, but maybe you should take better care of your breath/teeth. I feel like it must be pretty bad if she resorted to that.