By Kilimanjaro - 03/04/2012 04:41 - France

Today, the war against the pigeons on my veranda reached a new level. To try and get them to clear off, I gave my window pane a short, sharp knock. It broke into several shards, and not one of the totally oblivious birds moved. Pigeons 1, Me 0. FML
I agree, your life sucks 385
You deserved it 114

Top comments

"Haha, that idiotic human thinks he can get rid of us. Bitch, please."


Next time go for an airhorn. Its solves all my problems =)

HunterAlpha1 8

two words: Air Rifle. the birds will go away and never come back.

WhyCantIDoRight 5

I'd come out with a ******* shotgun, Just sayin'.

HeyImAmy 20

My dad bought some "birds eye balloons". You blow them up and they have circles on them, that look like big eyes, and the birds have stayed away (so far).

I've heard Alka-Seltzer works wonders on pigeons.

I live in Canada where pigeons do not exist!