By PunchingKennyLoggins - 15/03/2010 13:33 - United States

Today, the satellite radio at work went on the fritz, playing one song over and over. Management wouldn't turn it off, though, because then customers would miss out on all those upcoming-sale announcements that run intermittently. Meanwhile, I got to listen to "Footloose" for eight hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 439
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monikabug 9

At least Footloose is a good tune! :)

Fminetoo 0

Coulda been the Jonas Brothers. : P


nouza 0


So, you were working, so hard. Kept punching, your card. Eight hours, for what? Oh, tell me what you've got.

How is this in any way a FML?! Footloose is pretty amazing I must say. =D

how about doing the musical dipshit, maybe then you'd know the true meaning of pain. eight hours of footloose once? psh how about hours and hours of rehearsals a week.

At a movie theater I used to work at, coinciding with the Will Smith Wild Wild West movie, they played the Will Smith Wild Wild West song on endless repeat for almost a fortnight; they only stopped it when one of the employees had a breakdown and was taken to a mental institution for recovery

After eight hours of replay, even the best song would make my ears bleed.

idiotkid 0

Hahaha, punching Kenny Loggins.

spartan_girl 0

FYL, OP, yes, it could have been worse, but that would really suck. I used to hate it when new CDs came out that were supposed to be big sellers, because I worked in a retail store that sold CDs, and they would put the CD on repeat for like a week straight...the whole CD was bad enough, one song would be torture!