By smokedetector - 01/11/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, the fire alarm went off in my dorm and I saw and smelled smoke coming under my door. My second story window wouldn't unlock so I broke it open, threw out as many of my belongings as I could, and jumped. Turns out, the smell and noise were from my roomates cheap vacuum cleaner, not a fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 535
You deserved it 25 780

smokedetector tells us more.

i got in a car accident the night before, which is why i was at home on halloween. i broke my wrist, my big toe, and my brand new 3gs iphone. then, i found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. im back in the hospital, suffering from severe back injuries and a broken heart but guess what?? all that wouldnt fit in my fml post, so i kept it as simple as i could.

Top comments

cxal_fml 0

Seeing and smelling smoke is not a reason to jump from the second floor. You should remain near the floor with the door closed until the firemen arrive. If they don't arrive, and the fire is in your room, then its okay to jump. Before then, its just stupid


okay. smokedetector, seriously you commenting on your own post trying to defend yourself with all these silly excuses are making this FML seem even more fake. chill out.

Selflessness is a good thing. you would have thrown out all their stuff first.! XD

roachan 4

*siggs* Really, you don't ever know with these things, so I don't blame you. Plus if there was an alarm + smoke I'd be grabbing some of my expensive electronics ASAP, and getting the hell out.