By ThePaaaaaain - 05/10/2018 19:38

Today, the chronic nerve inflammation in my right arm decided to come back with vengeance. Anti-inflammatory drugs don't help me anymore and the school year hasn't even started yet. I'm studying illustration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 511
You deserved it 271

Zivc tells us more.

OP here :) Had to make an account to say - thank you! Talked to my mother and it seems she also has her nerve pinched at the elbow so I guess I inherited it. Unfortunately, looking at my chosen field :P And I've already spent 3 years studying, I am definetly NOT giving up now just because of some stupid uncooperative arm. Also because university here is free, but only if you finish it on the first try. You get one extra year if you want to change fields or fail a year or whatever, but that's it. Everything else you have to pay. Unfortunately I already spent my extra year due to unrelated medical reasons. Oh well...

Top comments

nentenkupo 16

The issues could have shown up after she chose her major

You might want to consider changing your field...


LadyRen 20

So you knew you had arm issues and still chose something that would require extensive arm usage?

nentenkupo 16

The issues could have shown up after she chose her major

snake_gal 8

she said chronic which means its been happening for a while

sparx1_1 12

Continuing to pour money onto an unattainable career won't make it better.

You might want to consider changing your field...

artood2 2

try natural dietary anti inflammatory food ingredients like Tumeric for example.

boredgirl_02 14

I’ve been doing that and tart cherry juice and cutting back on foods that inflame and it really helps.

There are several essential oils that work why better than any anti-inflammatory I've taken do some research ☺️

When I was in college I had similar issues, only steroid injections could help for a little while. They ended up finding out that my nerve was getting pinched in my elbow. I got surgery to fix it, the surgeon said he could see the nerve was flattened. Now I use my arm more and am pain free. I suggest going to a doctor and start figuring out what is causing the problem. If you have what I did no amount of NSAIDs will help (or any natural remedy)

OP here :) Had to make an account to say - thank you! Talked to my mother and it seems she also has her nerve pinched at the elbow so I guess I inherited it. Unfortunately, looking at my chosen field :P And I've already spent 3 years studying, I am definetly NOT giving up now just because of some stupid uncooperative arm. Also because university here is free, but only if you finish it on the first try. You get one extra year if you want to change fields or fail a year or whatever, but that's it. Everything else you have to pay. Unfortunately I already spent my extra year due to unrelated medical reasons. Oh well...

speaking as a left handed person I'd like to remind you that you have another arm

Try gabopentin worked great for my nerve issues

I know how you feel, I have chronic nerve inflammation in my left arm. Thankfully it’s not my dominant hand but it’s a pain still when I’m trying to do chemistry in the labs. Hope you get seen to by a doctor, they might have to x-ray your arm

Time to focus on your career and not self-love...