By marriedtoacunt - 19/10/2012 18:27 - United Kingdom - London

Today, our kids left for the weekend so that my wife and I could have some much-needed alone time. We've been fighting a lot recently and really need some time to have fun together. Now it turns out that she doesn't want to be around me because of the fighting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 075
You deserved it 5 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alliewillie 22

I could see how if they've been at each other's throats, she might want some time away from him. It never says she wanted/asked kids to leave, so she might not be passive-aggressive. But you know, I was going to click FYL until I saw your name. And if you're willing to call your wife a "****" to tens or hundreds of thousands of people online, you sound like an asshole and maybe she's justified in not wanting to be around you.

amandajlucas2015 2

I thought it was quite rude for OP to call his wife a ****.. Even tho they are fighting he should still have more respect for her than to go call her that nasty name on the Internet for strangers to see


OP: "hey we should hang out" wife: "i don't really want to be around you since we fight all the time now" OP: "goddamit hang out with me you ****!" wife: "oh, suddenly i'm convinced" is this the scenario OP imagined would happen? tard

This marriage is doomed if there is no respect for one another. Once the name-calling starts, it's a wrap. Even in anger you should respect your wife and vice-versa. You two need to agree to wiping the slate clean and starting over. Do what YOU are supposed to do regardless of how she acts. If she's reasonable, she'll come around. It all starts with YOU since you're the head. Much luck.

I understand the need to vent op, but your user name is taking it a bit far. Next time instead of coming on a site and insulting your wife, try surprising her with a romantic gesture.

You're username indicates that you are passive aggressive. The problem starts with you. Be the solution and make the problem end with you.

YDI, OP. I get the feeling you're a right arse to your wife - especially after seeing your username.

Look at this ***** name before even acknowledging his "fml"

Going by your screen name I'd say: "Gee, I wonder why she doesn't want to spend time with you." You both need to grow the hell up & stop with the useless bickering...the two of you aren't the only ones affected by it..your kids are as well.

Love your name! Ahhh, the joys of marriage...

Seems more like she's married to a selfish dick.