By rileym797 - 17/06/2009 06:00 - United States

Today, my wife took herself, the kids, and extended family members I've never even heard of to New York. She paid the 7,000$ bill with my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 398
You deserved it 4 688

Same thing different taste


File for divorce. And try and get the judge to make her make payments to you as compensation.

you know what?.. **** YOU TOURISTS. good thing you're not one :)

You are married. Why weren't you with her and the extended family? Nice of her to pay for her family - but you should at least meet them. Did you have enough money for this - is that why she paid. She is your wife - talk to her about this and have limits. You are married - so important to share all things - including finances.

IMO if its extended family... that you have never heard of... its some dude, or she went lesbian, or its a couple

if he had any brains, he would demand to meet them.

leenheartlovex3 0
thefury 0

ydi no matter what isolate your funds

antonioohama 0

Sue her, and while you're in court, divorce.

did she take u lol and yea she is a bitch

D11Churchkill 8

u put the dollar sign on the rong side of the number