By Upset Mommy - 14/07/2013 04:32 - United States

Today, my water broke. I called my mom, who had agreed to watch my other two kids while I went to the hospital. When I asked her to come over, she just said, "Sorry, now isn't a good time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 944
You deserved it 3 703

Same thing different taste


When she asks to visit her grandchildren: "Sorry, now isn't a good time."

I somehow don't think she'll care to visit her grandchildren.

imtooshy 18

How selfish of you OP, you should of planned when your water was going to break :( Sorry your mom is a little selfish and hope everything went well regardless.

She did plan. If you read correctly you'd see she asked her mom in advanced and her mother agreed, but with the time came just blew it off.

imtooshy 18

Really?! If you read my post properly, you might of realized I was being sarcastic because although her mother agreed to watch her other children while she was delivering, NOBODY ever knows when their water is going to break.

addioty 19

#51, she was being sarcastic and calling OP selfish for not choosing the exact time her water would break.

Apparently she doesn't think you are important...what can more important than giving you a hand?

Your mom is hanging from a rope over an active volcano, engaged in-hand to hand combat with Dr. Friederstein's top henchman. "You'll never get away with this!" she yells as the villainous super-genius doctor cackles from atop his mechanical robot. "Oh, but I will!" He shouts. "The ancient Mayan idol of power is now powering this robot and all of my monstrous creations! Not even you can stop me now!" Just then, mom's cell phone rings. It's her daughter, calling to announce her impending baby. "Sorry, now's not a good time!" Mom yells as she absorbes yet another strike from the henchman's cyborg arm. "And it's not a good time for YOU either" she growls at the henchman. Mom grips the rope tighter, flips upside down, and kicks her opponent in the head, sending him plummeting into the rolling lava far below.

Never seen it. Does it end with an evil robot over a volcano? Oh, who am I kidding? EVERYTHING ends with an evil robot over a volcano!

addioty 19

I'm sorry, OP. What your mom just did was a dick move. Hopefully your children are taken care of and you have a safe, healthy, and happy delivery. Best luck to you!

Great Grandma indeed. she had better get her act together if she wants to spend time with her grandkids. congrats on the birth of your child OP

I thought she was being sarcastic about his comment sucking.. therefore thumbs down. Damn you sarcasm.

Op should have known her mom was going to be busy that day and rescheduled her delivery