By brizzle - 05/04/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my parents came home after being out of town for the weekend. I stayed home, did homework and completely cleaned the house, thinking I could earn some brownie points with them. They saw how clean the house was and accused me of covering up a party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 462
You deserved it 6 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i've been there..never understood how the house can be "too clean"

liz16 0

if they already think you did you might as well have had one


Angelol_fml 0

Hahahahaham #12, next thing ya know they'll be posting something like that here

PurryLucy 0

You know, parents should notice that not all kids are diabolical insane party animals, and that sometimes, we just want to be their good girl/boy.

It sucks being accused of things you didn't do. Well, next time you might as well have the party and not clean up. Sounds like the same thing will happen.

lalosaa 0

hahahhaha aww that sucks. my parents would def do that too loll & HAHAH TO #12 and #19

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

just don't help clean the house anymore. they can clean it on their own.

my parents say the same thing everytime they get back from anywhere.

I agree with #68. A fitting punishment for their presumption.

comebckkid14 0