By Anonymous - 05/04/2009 20:17 - United States

Today, I was delivering packages to patients in the hospital for my job. My boss gave me a room to deliver to, and I drop it off as usual. But my boss gave me the wrong room number. I had to walk in, apologize, and take back balloons and a stuffed animal from a crying 6-year-old patient. FML
I agree, your life sucks 131 714
You deserved it 8 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh damn thats just wrong, your boss shoulda went and got if back

SpunkT 0

#2 ... a six year old? What the hell is wrong with you. Poor kid.


oh damn thats just wrong, your boss shoulda went and got if back

haha I would feel terrible. I'd probably buy the kid some balloons myself

just deliver the real package, and come back to that room with your own gift

MukyDaCookie 0

If your a girl, just lift your shirt. He won't mind - assuming the patient is a he.

VolleyballSMASH 1

Moobs do tend to have hypnotic abilities that can compete with the ring of Sauron.

linddezzy 0

Wtf, why would you do that to a 6 year old!? Not only is that morally wrong, but gross! 6 year olds believe in cooties, not boobies...

If YOU were smart, then you would have notice the Male symbol next to "Anonymous." -__-

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But he's a hospital patient. There's another time for being cold and callous.

Macromartyr 3

Yeah, I'd make the boss order more flowers, or buy more myself

linddezzy 0

Oh yeah, its always great to take flowers and toys away from 6 year olds IN THE HOSPITAL!! your an ass...

That's horrible!! I can only imagine what their i n the hospital for its bad enough for them already!!

He's 6 years old... he's probably learning his alphabets you think he's gonna know how the world works?

SpunkT 0

#2 ... a six year old? What the hell is wrong with you. Poor kid.

The OP got the wrong room number, they had no choice

DatBlueDerp 13

They were speaking to someone who deleted their comment #171

Aww, who said they deserved it? Poor guy, it wasn't his fault.

MukyDaCookie 0

#4, hes gotta learn sometime! Didn't you see the FML about the swimming instructor who was felt up by a 6-year old?

goodnesssss 0

#3. the kid was in the hospital. i think it's okay if he/she doesn't learn a lesson from this. The kid has probably been through enough.