By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, my mother told me I'm going to get lung cancer. Because she smokes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 187
You deserved it 2 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath


redark 0

u can second hand somking still kills if u breath in the smoke

it's true though... if ur with her when she smokes

I can't stand this shit. my mother does the same crap to me there should be a law against second hand smoke

if there should be a law against second hand smoking... there has to be a law against smoking, you can't have second hand without first hand. However, more and more places are now banning smoking to reduce how many people start smoking, because there's no where to smoke to begin with, and where and how the smokes are bought, also how they're hidden from customers.

twizlet 0

@lizzjizz. ur a ******* idiot. her dad got her pregnant is what shes saying dipshit

its a good thing a dont have parents that smoke fyl OP

take all her cigars and throw them away when she is not in the house

crowbar_2010 2

yuck. fyl. smoking is a repulsive habit. thats like..******* huffing campfire smoke.

helene123456789 0

evrytim she starts to smoke go for a walk or to ur room cuz u inhale the smoke to ur lungs n dats wat gives u cancer

Yikes. Is it easier to write like an idiot than a literate person?