By virginmary - 06/12/2009 08:07 - United States

Today, my mom told me that I am going to end up getting myself pregnant. I am 21 and a virgin. She continued to yell at me and call me a liar all night. I don't know which is worse, being a 21 year old virgin or my mother accusing me of lying about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 550
You deserved it 3 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'm a 23 year old virgin. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. :)

there's nothing wrong with being a virgin, seriously. you'll be glad you kept it when you meet the special one for you(:


Well, OP, would you rather be a 35-year old man who's never even had a girlfriend before like me?

Your mother is an emotional abuser. Stay away from her until she learns to treat you respectfully.

If you think there's something wrong with being a 21 year old virgin, there's something seriously wrong with either you, our culture, or perhaps both.

Wait, the limit is less than 21 now? Damn, I only have a couple more years. Brb, gotta go fall in love or else everyone will hate me.

i'd say it's worse to have a mother who thinks being pregnant is a bad thing.

Fo_Shizzy_Nizzy 0

People are so mean on this website. FTW

Too bad everyone there goes out of their way to tell about how original and un-average their "average" life is. If I want to see something crazy, unique, and hilarious, I'll step outside my door and live my own life. No, my life isn't average, it's simply better than everyone else's :]

Erindub 0

Why are you taking heat off your mom any ways? You're a grown person at 21. You don't have to take that.

daistar 0

What is so depressing about being a 21 year old virgin? Keep this thought in mind, being a virgin is not a sin, but having sex outside the walls of marriage is a sin. If your not Catholic then remember this. Why would you give something so valuable, something you can never get back to someone who doesn't deserve it? Why would give your virginity to someone who is not your husband? You are worth the wait. Don't trash your body, don't demean it.

:| stop trying to convert people on a website.