By Sad - 28/04/2009 22:13 - United States

Today, my house got broken into. My brand new laptop was stolen, along with my flatscreen TV, digital camera, external hard drive and some clothes. Wanting to drown my sorrows in the Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream in the freezer, I opened the door to find that it too had been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 487
You deserved it 29

Top comments

Sorry, I was hungry. I left 5 bucks under the couch

unibrowicorn 0

your house gets robbed, and the first thing you do is go to the fridge for ice cream? please tell me that you did that AFTER you called the police...


Sabster 0

At least they have good taste? Phish Food is delicious :) But seriously, I'm sorry, that absolutely positively sucks :(

adelaide_evening 0

I just hope they didn't take the booze. You should have tried to drown your sorrows with that in the first place.

Just hope they eat it too fast and get some mighty painful brainfreeze.

haha. FYL sucks bout the ice cream tho.

kingsleyxx09 0

Okay, who the hell eats ice cream after they're robbed? CALL THE POPO!

That blows!!

aww, sweety try locking your door, you'll find there will be more food in the house

that_guy321 2

if this is really, then your life is truly ****** i feel bad for you now i'm gonna go watch my new flat screen tv while eating ben&jerrys phish food ice cream oh wait...

Loe_307 0

I like all the posts saying how did they type this. Lemme see, library, school, friends computer, iPhone, etc. etc. Many ways to get online AWAY from home. You people need to get out more.

you just mentioned all those ways to get online AND then told them to yet out more. hmmm that makes sense

Laptop and stuff I understnad, everyone does it soemtiems... but stealing your phishfood... that is just bellow the belt! ...jk.