By catlady1989 - 10/05/2009 19:01 - United States

Today, my friend had to take my cat who has a tumor to be put down when I wasn't home since I couldn't bear to take him myself. I have two cats. He took the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 480 380
You deserved it 70 850

catlady1989 tells us more.

You people are so cruel. They were indentical except collar color. I said which one and he still messed up. My normal vet was closed because of Mothers day so the pound was the one to do it. I can't believe some of the things you people are saying... it is so hurtful... and both my cats did end up being put down...

Top comments

omg! that's absolutely awful! Why didn't you specify

Wow.... Something tells me you aren't friends anymore.


=( This made me very sad. I'm really sorry for your loss.

shan789mudge 0

I'm so sorry! thats awful=[

Hey #6 did you ever think maybe her cats might look alike?

omg. i don't know what i would've done if anything happened to my cat.

Well at least with FMLs like this we can count the number of sickos on this site...602 and counting.

Kylias 6

@28: Because someone has different preferences in living creatures to care for than you do, they deserve to have their best friend taken away from them? Ouch, you're a sadistic little ass, you know that? @OP: I'm really sorry for your loss, dear... I would be sick to my stomach...

soxgrl33 0

!!! That's terrible! I'm so sorry! I've had to go through putting cats to sleep and it's an awful thing... I can't imagine how heartbroken you are right now :'(

wait, doesn't the vet check to make sure there's something wrong with the animal before he puts it down?