By xOdaatx - 26/09/2011 13:01 - Australia

Today, my fiancé told me his ex-wife was 5 weeks pregnant. I was happy for her, and glad she had finally moved on. Until I found out who the father was. They're moving back in together, for the baby's sake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 489
You deserved it 3 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Did she come over and steal his sperm then artificially inseminate herself? That's the only logical explanation because there's no way that he would cheat on you.


Dreamkiller51 5

What I find funny is that people put u totally deserve it when she really didn't.

See that's the problem with men these days they always think with there **** instead of there HEAD!!! another sorry excuse for a man!!!!

Anyone else think that maybe the guy cheated on his wife with this girl and thats why they got divorced? Cuz she said she was happy that the exwife finally moved on which kinda sounds like to me that she stole him from her :/ if thats the case then this bitch deserves it.

Your opinion sucks. Shut up attention whoring troll.

justinlee13 3

i am very sorry to hear that! D:

You are far better off knowing what this turd is made of now than after his fiancé status ended with you two being married. The situation sucks but I suggest that you pick yourself up and drive on with the rest of your life. You never know what is around the next corner.

crazy_whitechick 6

look on the brightside...u weren't married to him when you found out. less of a mess to handle. he's not worth it.

metmimo 8