By Blaisey - 21/04/2014 17:25 - Canada - Duncan

Today, my drug addict of a roommate convinced herself my red kitten was Pennywise the clown in disguise waiting to kill her, and hit him over the head with a pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 183
You deserved it 5 517

Blaisey tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. I talked to my landlord about my roommate a few hours ago. She's a very sweet older lady, and she was in tears when I told her what happened. My roommate now has 48 hours to get out. I took Paprika to the vet right away, and they said she'll most likely survive, but it's possible she'll have brain damage. She woke up in the car on the way there (after a good ten minutes of not moving, I was so afraid she didn't make it) but they gave her something to make her sleep for awhile. Thank you all for your support!

Top comments

androtech 12

You should hit her over the head with a pan.


I can't help but wonder how is your kitten red and to what shade?

wtf kick that bitch out and call the cops on her!!!!

Am I the only one reminded of an earlier FML, where the OP's (also female) roommate cooked a bat in the oven to kill it..? I'm wondering if it's the same one. Same ****** up thought pattern.

Drag0nb0rn 22

I'm amazed that there haven't been any comments (that I've seen) that say something along the lines of "You say drug addict like its a bad thing" that the residential FML crackheads seem to post on everything that mentions drugs

squideth 18

Yeah that's pretty much just for weed, which is harmless. Other hard drugs that can cause you to hurt animals aren't as great.

whether or not the kitten is alive I hope it is doesn't matter you need to report your roommate for being a druggy and animal cruelty

Hey guys, OP here. I talked to my landlord about my roommate a few hours ago. She's a very sweet older lady, and she was in tears when I told her what happened. My roommate now has 48 hours to get out. I took Paprika to the vet right away, and they said she'll most likely survive, but it's possible she'll have brain damage. She woke up in the car on the way there (after a good ten minutes of not moving, I was so afraid she didn't make it) but they gave her something to make her sleep for awhile. Thank you all for your support!

That poor baby. She has a good mommy. I know you will take good care of her. I am so sorry for what that horrible person did to her. Glad she will be leaving.

Brain damage? Did they tell you what sort of functions will be affected by the damage or is it a wait and see sort of deal?

androtech 12

Glad you'll be rid of your roommate. And I'm sorry to hear about the possible brain damage to your kitten. Hope she recovers well with nothing wrong.

doglover100 28

I'm glad the cat is ok. Your roommate needs professional help.

Alastrina_fml 20

Oh my gods, that poor kitty!! If I had a roommate that attacked my cat like that, I'd beat the crap out of them!!

I'm so glad to see an update. I have been thinking about your kitten since I read the fml yesterday. I'm praying that she regains all her normal functions. You are a good mommy to her and she is lucky to have such a caring owner. I hope to see another update soon so we know how paprika is doing as she starts to heal. thank you so much for the update. Best wishes, Kelly

Are you going to press charges? I most certainly would

Yes, please do. I'd love to be kept updated.

Thank goodness your kitty survived and your roommate was kicked out. I hope you can find a new roomie soon. I hope your kitty turns out to be okay. Good for your landlord for pressing charges and demanding the ex-roommate pay the bill.

that poor kitten!!! i pray that sweet little creature makes a full recovery!

I'd also be chasing up the room mate for the vet bills.

If I had been in your place your roommate would have suddenly vanished off the face of the earth.

kaimariebee 15

omg, I feel horrible. When I read this FML I read it before bed and thought it said she hit her upside the head with a PEN. I feel terrible for laughing :/

Oh my gosh! If there's anyway you can give us another update and let know how she's doing, please do. I hope she's okay!

i know this fml is not so fresh but... Just a head's up - paprika is a Finnish word, meaning bell pepper. :)

Same in Dutch! But I hope the kitty is okay. For some reason, our red cats never were lucky either.

For those asking, Paprika is indeed a real cat, and she isn't vibrant red, but there's some red in her fur. My roommate recently moved in with my, I had no idea she was an addict until she told me, post cat attack. Sorry for taking so long to reply, my account just got confirmed. Thank you all again

Your poor kitty! Is the brain damage serious or relatively minor? P.S. Paprika is the name of my kitten as well!

Comet_Candy 23

Oh my goodness the poor baby :c... I'm glad your kitty is mostly okay! I'm really hoping the best for him... I'm also really relieved to hear your roommate is being moved out. Nobody should live with someone like that...

The roommate. I assume your cat wasn't high until after it got to the vet. I hope your kitty is ok.

I'm not quite sure, my guess would be LSD? I'm not very educated in terms of drugs. My landlord is pressing charged though, as well as making her pay the bill for Paprika's medicine

sounds like a great landlord. You're very lucky shes been so fhelpful. Im glad your kitty is ok and i hope your roommate gets some serious help

It doesn't sound like LSD to me but it could have been a bad batch. LSD doesn't cause dependence very often so I'd think more along the lines of PCP/meth/one of the harder drugs. But hey she didn't eat the cat so it probably isn't bath salts! As a super devoted pet owner, I hope little Paprika pulls through. I have a mentally handicapped cat though, and EVERYONE loves him. :)

Good to hear your landlord is pressing charges. How is Paprika?

Time to "accidentally" hit your roommate in the head with a pan. >:D

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Words cannot fully describe the fury and anger I would feel if this was me. I would probably start screaming, and hitting, and then everything would get a little hazy for awhile, and then I'd find myself staring at beaten-to-a-pulp roommate with "kitten-killer" tattooed on her face "Girl-with-the-dragon-tattoo-revenge" style. Hell, I get mad when my roommates just yell at my cat for no reason. I'm all like, "BRO. Why you yellin' at mah cat?!"

This fml makes he real mad. I just wanna snuggle with the kitten and protect it from all evils. :(