By rimjob - 20/02/2010 10:36 - United States

Today, my dog barked for 30 minutes with me yelling for him to shut up. Guess that's how long it takes someone to steal the rims from my truck. Good dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 848
You deserved it 42 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Astraea 0

Haha totally ydi!! Try to respect him next time :P


Today, I barked for thirty minutes straight, because the rims to my master's truck were being stolen. All my master did was yell for me to shut up. FML

Malinkrot 3

today, I pretended to be a dog on the internet and actually thought I was clever. FML

orangesodaftw 0

Should have listened to Fido. YDI

Ajjas013 6

I have a feeling this thread is going to affect future ****.

Always check to see what your dog is barking about. YDI

Dogs don't just bark for no reason for 30 minutes straight. : You should give up your dog to someone worthy enough to have one. Don't even bother asking for money, you don't deserve to be paid for it.

rogerdodger777 0

what kind of rims? do the dog and robber have good taste?