By coolbeans123 - 10/05/2011 16:37 - Singapore

Today, my dad texted me while I was in school saying, "Your cat vomited. Covered it up with a bowl so you can clean it when you come home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 513
You deserved it 7 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's what my family does except they don't warn me I just kinda step in it

...I'm not sure whether to laugh or be disgusted.


I would have texted back "clean it now and I'll pay you" and then never pay him.

happygolucky3 0

this was on that website.. parents texts or something

My family does that to me all the time. Except my cat pukes 20 different places around the house.

So your dad would rather sit in a house smelling of vomit? Idiot.

my dad does that all the time when I'm out and he dosnt open the door for my dog to go out and poop !!! then he leaves the poop for me to clean and says that I have a spoiled dog !!! my dog is Potyytrained!! If only ud take the trouble to leave the back door open

that's why you don't keep stupid ******* cats as pets. they are just annoying.

Smashley93 1

I feel you!!!! My dad does this to me all the time but I have dogs. Yeah tell him to clean it himself