By ak47nd - 18/09/2015 02:37 - China - Dalian

Today, my boyfriend tried to be romantic and trick me into missing my flight, so he could spend another day with me before I have to return to Asia for work. There is nothing romantic about spending 2 hours trying to sort out a new international itinerary with Delta's automated menus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 902
You deserved it 2 278

ak47nd tells us more.

ak47nd 6

Hi, this is OP. To be fair, he did fly me out to visit him and put a real effort into making the week we had together great. That said, after I did manage to fix the flight back, I think he was scared I was going to kick him in the balls for that stunt for most of the extra 24 hours we had together. But the makeup sex was great and I barely managed to make it back in time for work obligations, so bf is EXTREMELY lucky :) And we have a new relationship rule of not ******* with travel arrangements. Sigh.

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I'm reading these comments, and really can't understand the support the boyfriend is getting. He deliberately made her miss her flights, and it caused a giant mess. Keep in mind that she was flying for work, and her company might not be so happy as these commenters if she had missed an important meeting or conference. The "thought" doesn't count when a selfish person inconveniences you to fulfill a personal desire.

honestly I'd be upset that he had done that without clearing up the mess. aint nuthing romantic about ******* up your travel arrangements when u have to deal with it.


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Your boyfriend seems stupid. Sorry, OP. That doesn't seem romantic. It seems selfish.

Yeah, he's so selfish for wanting to spend time with his girlfriend before traveling.

It is selfish when he ****** up her flights

If tricking someone you care about into doing something they didn't intend to do just because you want them to yourself is your idea of unselfish, then I'm worried for you.

Nobody could detect the obvious sarcarsm on my previous comment? *sigh*

Either you need to re-learn how to do sarcasm or you're misinterpreting the people disagreeing with you somehow.

I think the problem is everybody DID detect the sarcasm...

#14- Damn it. I misread the FML, I thought the boyfriend was traveling and wanted her to spend more time with him. Yep, that's selfish. Sorry.

You didn't misread it. Please just man up and accept the hate for your comment.

54- I was expecting this kind of comment. I did misread it, I skipped several phrases and thought the boyfriend wanted OP to be with him before his flight, and OP got bored. I already accepted the hate though, my first comment was dumb and deserved it.

#54 if you read his first comment, and how it was worded "he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend before traveling" that sentence construct "Person A wanted to X before travelling" is only used when person A is doing the travelling, ie unless the comment was edited, it was based on that mis-read. There are enough people here who actually are trying to excuse it.

soldier084 11

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That doesn't give him the right to mess with her job. She needed to fly back for work, and making her miss her flight could have possibly cost her her job. I don't care if they were ******* married, it's a selfish thing to do

I could understand it if he had taken care of booking a new flight, but this is just stupid

And it leaves people in a sour mood. Just give a sweet goodbye, and leave it at that.

He could have just flown out with her as opposed to ******* up everything.

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Emmaleigh6692 7

Except there was no thought involved since he didn't even consider what a pain in the ass it would cause. The only thing he thought about was what he wanted.

honestly I'd be upset that he had done that without clearing up the mess. aint nuthing romantic about ******* up your travel arrangements when u have to deal with it.

I'm reading these comments, and really can't understand the support the boyfriend is getting. He deliberately made her miss her flights, and it caused a giant mess. Keep in mind that she was flying for work, and her company might not be so happy as these commenters if she had missed an important meeting or conference. The "thought" doesn't count when a selfish person inconveniences you to fulfill a personal desire.

BlueHorizons 8

That's just what I was thinking as I read this. While his intentions may have been romantic in nature the reality was far from it. Seems like he didn't stop to consider all the possible implications.

This FML is so bipolar right now. Some comments get upvoted while others that say basically the same exact thing get downvoted.

Well there's your clear answer right there, that's the reason they get downvoted- they say basically the same thing. We like originality here, or at least no repetition.

Also that's really not what bipolar means. The word you're looking for is "inconsistent."

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It's the thought that counts... And he didn't put much thought into it. He put her into a stressful situation, potentially making her look irresponsible at work, and costing her a lot of time, stress and maybe money. If he wanted to be romantic, he should have put some effort into it before. Maybe taken her to a nice restaurant or bed and breakfast a night or two before the flight.

The only thought he was putting into this was thinking his selfish wants were more important than her job or plans. Super manipulative. I would dump him if I were OP.