By ThanksMom - 02/06/2009 12:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and parents went out to dinner. As we started the meal, my boyfriend proposed and the restaurant burst into applause. My mother said without hesitation and a large scowl, "If you say yes, I'm leaving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 192
You deserved it 4 359

ThanksMom tells us more.

Hi, FMLer here. The reason my mother said that was because she wanted me to get back together with my first boyfriend, though I've been with my new fiance for 5 years. She never got over me leaving my first and never accepted anyone after. And as you might have noticed in my previous paragraph- I said yes! (And by the way, my father told my mother if she leaves, he'd stay and wouldnt give her the car keys. ;) )

Top comments

Dude your mom sucks if she would do that in public... Seriously FYL... So what was you answer??? :p


His mom is a bitch as everyone said. But that being said, I absolutely hate people who propose in public. They give their partner a choice of either agreeing or getting into a very awkward situation, and use public pressure to make someone say what they want to hear instead of what the person's actual feelings are. All proposals must be made in private.

omgUkilledKENNY 0

Wowww ur moms a douche. I wouldn't even bother wit her if she said that

DrumMan1025 0

Wow..that really sucks. FYL for having a bitch as a mom

Parents should not butt into their kids' adult decisions. They should be supportive no matter what, even if they disagree. Your mom's a lunatic.

#133, I agree. And what's with all the guys who think it's cool to propose in front of their or their significant other's family? That's just weird.

Your mom is Mrs.Robinson, she's doing your man.

haxxx041 0

CONGRATS!! your mom should get over a relationship that ended 5 years ago..