By LiLGeek - 12/01/2009 15:37 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were looking for our bubblegum flavored "numbing" lotion to have some morning fun. We couldnt find it anywhere. After about 10 minutes, my little nephew comes from my room crying and drool coming out of his mouth. He smelt like bubblegum, his mouth and tongue were all numb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 627
You deserved it 9 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how the **** are you supposed to have fun with numbing lotion? thats like non-alcoholic beer.

Numbing lube is bad. You tear something, and you won't be able to feel it until later. Pain is a signal to your brain to let you know if you need to change what you're doing. Also, how'd your nephew get it?


sashalynn 0

isn't that bad for the kid if he swallowed it?? or, wait, it was flavored? I am one confused blonde... :)

You know, you should really keep that out of children's reach! It is dangerous for such a young child (assuming he is young) to have such a product!

dont_be_that_guy_fml 0

Maybe this tought him not to eat every random bottle of stuff he finds, and in a pretty harmless way, that lesson might save his life one day.

it's supposed to relax your gag reflex btw!

I´ve never heard of numbing lotion before. Wow...

They said they were three? Of course that's young

Numbing lube is to most commonly for penis desensitizing... And if you read the ingredients it's the same thing as orajel...