By lost_ina_dream - 21/02/2010 01:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I celebrated our anniversary at the park. I was watching him play around with the wood chips on the ground and thought I saw him making a heart being romantic, so I got on top of the playground to look. Turns out it was the balls of a giant penis, complete with pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 841
You deserved it 4 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what? Thats what guys do! they draw penises however and wherever they can... its a way of marking your territory... how would you rate his dick drawing anyways?

pandorasnymph 0


were they chopped off or something?! that's pretty scary

waxx_fml 2

you should have gave him some pussy

ryancorn 0
lonewolfxxx 0

who hasn't done this at least once?

dangshaynadang 0

lol your boyfriend sounds like fun XD

Basballplaya16 4

thatsounds lime something I would do lmfao that's funny.

Why are straight men so obsessed with penises?