By freakingout - 04/09/2012 21:55 - United States - Roslyn

Today, it was my first day back at school. My social anxiety is so bad that I couldn't even raise my hand to use the bathroom because I didn't want people to look at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It will be worse if they look at you after you've peed yourself.


Show up fashionably late, wearing nothing but a G string and a burger king crown. You'll get over your social anxiety pretty quickly. And a week out of school from the suspension.


I have social anxiety disorder as well, it's definitely so difficult! I'm going to CBT now and it helps a lot, OP. Maybe you can look into it, because you can overcome it! Good luck OP!

malzi21 8

Know the feeling. Mine is not as bad, but I totally get it.

So let me get this straight... you would rather have everyone looking at you while you pissed/shit yourself, instead of having them look at you while you raised your hand and request to go take care of your business? Here is a diagnosis for you... quit being a pansy.

Isa_fml 20

Or he could hold it, because he's not a toddler...

Which is unhealthy and blatantly unnecessary at the same time.

Better yet here is a cure for your social anxiety... pretend your in a fmylife forum in real life. None of you seem to have social anxiety here. (and yes this is a "social" network) When you start acting like a bad ass and it back fires on you though try to refrain from rage quitting your life.

I made an account just to comment on this lol, because I had the exact same thing this morning. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone, there's millions of us :)

Giving presentations to the class must be so much fun for you.

xxyourdesire 0

I do the same thing.! Except I have to make sure everyone is out of the bathroom, all sinks are on, and have a friend make the hand dryers go off so nobody hears me.