By anonymous - 04/06/2014 05:07 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, in the fitting rooms at work, a 10-year-old kid threw a coat-hanger directly at my face. The kid's father didn't apologise on his behalf, but instead congratulated him on what he called "a wicked shot". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 010
You deserved it 4 365

GoldenButtNugget tells us more.

No. No offense, I completely agree that that guy should be a better father and have handled that situation a lot differently, but you do not kick a man in his genitals unless it is self defense when he is attempting to harm you. The sheer pain alone is indescribable, as if someone is pulling out your soul, but the risk of permanent damage is what disgusts me about people who just leisurely decide to kick men in their genitals, it's almost as brutal as saying, "hey just punch her in the crotch really hard," no big deal right??? Like I said I agree the situation could have been handled better but the ONLY situation in which a man deserves ANY attempted harm to his genitals is when it is out of self defense when he is Really trying to harm you. This has to stop, I almost had irreversible damage to my testicles because two assholes decided it would be funny to kick me in my genitals, one a man and one a woman, and I might not have been able to have children ever, which is one of my dreams because I want to be an amazing father and create a life that I can support and help change the world if they want to, and I almost lost that just because two assholes wanted to kick me in the genitals, and no I was not doing anything threatening. This has to stop, people need to realize this is a serious problem, along with many others that there is not a long enough comment to talk about but I felt I needed to address this. I posted this just above but I wanted to make sure you two idiots get it too.

Top comments

And when the kid gets older and starts doing the same shit to his dad, the dad will wonder what went wrong.

Pandaboy876 14

I would have thrown the coat hanger back and said "wicked shot" just to see if the dad's reaction was still the same as before.


some people should not be allowed to procreate.

mustang19898 16

And parents like this wonder why their kids are horrible when they grow up

I have to admit, that guy has good parenting,

XTheDesertSongX 17
lilchica22001 22

You spelled apologize wrong....guess that hanger did some serious damage to your brain.

Actually no it's spelt correctly. America is the only country who spells it with a z.

lilchica22001 22

that's how they spell it in New Zealand

rita91 5

you should have accidentally swatted him

This generation has no respect. If my kid did that they would get one smack. People need to discipline their children.

I actually can't decide wether or not you deserve that. I guess it's leaning to your life sucks...