The struggle is real

By new mom - 12/01/2023 15:00 - United States - Arlington

Today, I was arrested and had to spend the night in jail because I was caught stealing baby formula from Walmart. I’ve been struggling to find work ever since I gave birth a few months ago, and have been a stay-at-home mom ever since. Even my boyfriend has been struggling to find better work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 145
You deserved it 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s awful to hear. Is there not a food bank or program for low income new mothers around that may be able to help with some of what you need? I’d suggest looking online to see if there are any programs in your area. Hospitals, church groups, community organizations, etc sometimes will have outreach for struggling mothers. Good luck OP. I hope things turn around.

MomofTwins 19

I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what that's like. Can you please reach out? How can I help?


MomofTwins 19

I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what that's like. Can you please reach out? How can I help?

That’s awful to hear. Is there not a food bank or program for low income new mothers around that may be able to help with some of what you need? I’d suggest looking online to see if there are any programs in your area. Hospitals, church groups, community organizations, etc sometimes will have outreach for struggling mothers. Good luck OP. I hope things turn around.

Man I'm glad to not be a cop...Can't imagine if my job was to arrest mothers trying to feed their babies.

I feel like some people don't know that if you see somebody stealing a vital necessity, no, you don't. I'm sorry you're struggling. I know there aren't enough resources out there, but check out 211 on your area and try to get as many as you can.

You can also reach out to me and I can help with baby food

Vesi 29

Please look into WIC if you don't have it already. I'm so sorry you are having difficulties.

We have the WIC program for this. Or surely you have friends and family that could buy you some baby formula for your newborn and you could pay them back later? You're lucky you only had to spend the night in jail - many places charge thousands of dollars if you're caught shoplifting, and if your financial situation is this severe, you'd be royally screwed.