By Anonymous - 27/06/2010 10:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a party. No one there was under 60. I'm 16 and it was the only party I've been to all year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 196
You deserved it 7 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

A. We all know old people have the best stories. B. You have plenty of "experienced" women to hit on. C. There's bound to be alcohol, and soft, chewable foods. D. Old people KNOW how to par-TAY. Sounds like you got it made...


I've never even been to a regular party wit people my own age. So suck it up.


Let me guess. Someone told you it was a senior party.

katie345 1

Throw your own party than.

I know that feel, bro. Only contact I can really get is my mom's over-50 friends, and I can't drive yet so I'm stuck.

you are only 16. most people don't start partying until college

I'm 16, and have NEVER been to a party.

upgradestorm1 20