By ChrissiOfTheHill - 18/06/2009 09:01 - Canada

Today, I went for a really important job interview. She loved my portfolio and we got along really well. But I guess that a corner of my skirt got caught underneath my shoe when I stood up to shake her hand, exposing my teeny-tiny underwear and neglected bikini line. She didn't shake my hand back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 377
You deserved it 9 815

ChrissiOfTheHill tells us more.

My skirt was knee-length and flowy (Im am artist and am therefore not required to dress like a square) and yes i was in-between waxings so it wasnt a jungle down there...just...neglected as I said haha And I dont think Im gonna get that shoulda seen her face!

Top comments


pepsi0luv 0

how long is your skirt seriously?

I think, if you've got a jungle down there, and your embaressed about it, dont wear "teeny tiny" underwear. You're destined for an epic fail.

kc2_fml 0

@6... Yes... And could go for some delicious *mysterious music* crab meat...

Right. Since it was a job interview, it means you are still unemployed. If it was a date, it means you were a ****-bitch.

Wow I love how people it a crime to not to shave. Yes, trim but shaving makes it look like a backwards ass. And it was a JOB INTERVIEW not a date. Fyls for being assholes.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Musta been one long skirt. Or you have no kneecaps. Either way, that sucks. And it's not a YDI for having a 'neglected bikini line'; the OP could live somewhere where it's cold-is year round! God, people are so quick to say YDI for the most ridiculous reasons.

12-17 shut the **** up. lolz would have laughed alot if I saw that.

you could have told her you are preparing for "fur" season. hahahahaha!!

zekepapas 0

Innocent accident of fate, nevermind.

Why do people post the same comment like 10 times? It really gets annoying. And to the op that stinks