By ChrissiOfTheHill - 18/06/2009 09:01 - Canada

Today, I went for a really important job interview. She loved my portfolio and we got along really well. But I guess that a corner of my skirt got caught underneath my shoe when I stood up to shake her hand, exposing my teeny-tiny underwear and neglected bikini line. She didn't shake my hand back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 377
You deserved it 9 816

ChrissiOfTheHill tells us more.

My skirt was knee-length and flowy (Im am artist and am therefore not required to dress like a square) and yes i was in-between waxings so it wasnt a jungle down there...just...neglected as I said haha And I dont think Im gonna get that shoulda seen her face!

Top comments


she will still consider you just say you are deeply sorry and extremely embarrassed

HyperExecuter 0

ydi. if you did not shave, fine. if you wore exposing underwear, fine. combination of the two: not fine.

you might have the job if it was a guy XD

w_h_a_l_e 0

Elastic skirts? Maybe she was put off by your fashion sense?

ElectricGhost_fml 5

oopses haha meant that on someones page haha =P

Having that happen is one of my biggest fears T-T

im just saying wouldn't you feel it coming down when you first stand up and then pick up the chair

so you think you're not getting the job because you didn't shave down there???