By ChrissiOfTheHill - 18/06/2009 09:01 - Canada

Today, I went for a really important job interview. She loved my portfolio and we got along really well. But I guess that a corner of my skirt got caught underneath my shoe when I stood up to shake her hand, exposing my teeny-tiny underwear and neglected bikini line. She didn't shake my hand back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 377
You deserved it 9 815

ChrissiOfTheHill tells us more.

My skirt was knee-length and flowy (Im am artist and am therefore not required to dress like a square) and yes i was in-between waxings so it wasnt a jungle down there...just...neglected as I said haha And I dont think Im gonna get that shoulda seen her face!

Top comments


mojomojo_fml 5

Wow, 40+ comments and no one's asked for pics yet?

Pics or it didn't happen. Jokes, I'm not 12.

littlemisslee 0

I don't get it. She's a woman, as well. Why wouldn't she understand?

THANK ******* GOD This is the first FML I've seen that wasn't completely buried in replies to the first post. NOBODY CARES IF YOUR POST IS HIGHER UP ON THE PAGE. PLEASE STOP REPLYING TO THE FIRST POST JUST SO PEOPLE CAN SEE YOUR INCREDIBLY WELL THOUGHT OUT "YDI" . Also, if you don't get a job because of that reason alone, I'm pretty sure you could file some kind of complaint about discrimination. >_> Maybe.

elfuzzo 0

Skirts aren't that complicated to wear without mishap. YDI.

You left out tight enough to show your panty line.

krs1234 0

you shouldn't wear long skirts anyways. knee length pencil fine. long skirts work for no one.

McCannCanTriple 0

#33... and how would they make sure people followed that rule?

Well, it's obviously really awkward, so I'm not surprised she didn't shake your hand. FYL though, I hope you get the job anyway!

Glazed 0

How did your skirt get pulled down so far so fast that it revealed your underwear and your 70s **** bush. Must have been loose already.

Why where you wearing underwear that small with a bush that big?

a hairnet for your short & curlies??? I think your momma was pulling your leg when she told you that one... what are you, a lunchroom lady?

ozymandias_fml 0

If you are wearing a skirt, keep your pubes in your underwear. Think of underwear as a hairnet for your short and curlies.

It is nobody's damned business what you do or do not wear under your outer clothes. Quit telling others how to dress or groom their private regions.