By ChrissiOfTheHill - 18/06/2009 09:01 - Canada

Today, I went for a really important job interview. She loved my portfolio and we got along really well. But I guess that a corner of my skirt got caught underneath my shoe when I stood up to shake her hand, exposing my teeny-tiny underwear and neglected bikini line. She didn't shake my hand back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 377
You deserved it 9 815

ChrissiOfTheHill tells us more.

My skirt was knee-length and flowy (Im am artist and am therefore not required to dress like a square) and yes i was in-between waxings so it wasnt a jungle down there...just...neglected as I said haha And I dont think Im gonna get that shoulda seen her face!

Top comments


you were wearing a pretty long skirt then. FYL

#19-- Oh, come on. How often are your coworkers or customers going to be staring at your snatch? As long as she washes it, how she wears it is her own business.

Erm, it is actually more hygienic to let it grow. Its supposed to be there to stop little bits of dirt getting in your vag. Shaving it leaves you more prone to infection. OP- Bad luck, but if she was female then she'd understand :) Don't worry too much about it.

YES, for things others are going to SEE. Trust me, people got along just fine in the workforce prior to the current fad of trendy hairdos for your crotch. We didn't have victims laid out everywhere, blinded by feral pubes. People kept that stuff washed and hidden and nobody knew the difference. Can YOU tell in a roomful of clean, fully-clothed people, who has trimmed/shaved their junk and who hasn't? What are you, Superman with x-ray vision? :D

27 nobody has ever seen your pubes. so **** you. virrrrrrrrrrginnn.

ozymandias_fml 0

#23, proper grooming habits are important.

wowfmlife 0

What are you, amish? How long is that skirt?

lolwhat_fml 0

how could your skirt be that long? Are you a Mennonite ? LOL

Right, employers should require their male and female employees to keep their pubic hair trimmed, for hygiene and grooming reasons. Nobody wants a coworker to be walking around the office with a pair of sweaty, smelly 'nads! Oh wait, what's in your pants is none of your coworkers' business. It might speak more to her that you're accident-prone (klutzy) than anything else. It's still a FYL though.

If you do good work, why should she care if you've got a wild, overgrown bush?

sadiesykes 0

geeze how good of a look did she get.