By bubbles - 12/10/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, I was taking a bubble bath, and had my iPod touch on the side of my bathtub so I could listen to my music. My dog walked up to the side of the tub, looked me in the eye, and nudged my iPod into the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 997
You deserved it 55 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

semmita 0
busdrivertohell 0

I believe without all this technology, all these poor people would have to be stuck listening to their own thoughts. Where would the world be?


I Do the same thing, but i close the door so my cats cant get in the bathroom, I also put it on the back of the toilet so if it does fall it anit going near the tube :)

the_stereotype 0

i just listening to myself singing in the shower...although, that probably isn't as pleasant

YDI, find a cheaper hobby like setting fire to piles of money directly

Mans best friend... Technology's worst enemy. Ydi

wakawakawaka_fml 0

Seriously, if you're going to do something so stupid, at least put your iPod on the floor or somewhere where it is less likely to fall in. Or lock the door (even just close it tightly so a dog can't get in). Seriously, what did you THINK was going to happen?

dry your ipod on an oven, for some days it might work alright after that


KK LMFAO. I know a woman who put her laptop in the oven. It melted. Why would you be that stupid?

South_Park_Shay 0

You ever try putting it on the SINK instead? What kind of a Dips**t leaves it on the SIDE OF THE BATHTUB???

I'm on the FML app on my iPod Touch right now. I'm laughing my *** off.