By Kath - 08/02/2009 13:55 - Poland

Today, I was reading an article about girls who have low self-esteem and end up whoring around to feel better. When I finished, I realized it was actually written by my best friend. The girl in the article was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 533
You deserved it 15 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

k2rules 0

I am not sure if this is actually true but if it is I am sorry to hear that. Although I know that it is not un common for people to do things such as this to try and boost their self-esteem. I know that in most cases this actually does more damage than it does good. I guess it depends on why you are taking the actions that you are. Many people lead different lifestyles and this does not make you a bad person. I am not sure if this is what you actually do or if your friend was just saying this but it doesn't mean you are a bad person but if you are having issues with your self-esteem I hope you look for alternative ways to love the person that you are and realize that there are much healthier ways to do so that are much more effective. If you are content and happy with the person that you are people tend to be naturally attracted to such individuals. Not sure if this was to much or not or if it will help at all but god luck!

That actually took you three minutes to read? Wow. That's pretty sad.


breenarae25 0

hey, best friends will always say the truth. u should take it as a compliment and know that she cares

momma_jess20 0

u put out? wth, thats stupid. guess u never heard of stds huh? anywho, ur friends a bitch...yyyeahhh

God damn, I wish I could thumb you down more then once...

Is it true? But still I hope she used you just to get the article finished...