By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 17:10 - United States

Today, I was picking my daughter up at day care. She was outside playing kick ball. A red ball rolls over to me, and trying to impress the kids, I kicked it over the slide. I turn around to see three crying six year olds. It was their hamster ball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 466
You deserved it 300

Top comments

deprivedwriter 0

lmfao....ouch Poor hamster... you deserved it though


:( Poor hamster! You are a sick dumb-ass, OP. You could have noticed what that ball really was if you'd paid attention and opened your eyes, instead of acting before thinking. I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've done something stupid before thinking... am I right? I hope your kids got you a 'Douchebag of the Year' mug for Father's Day, or will do so next year.

FYL - you are NEVER going to live this one down! May want to change your kid's day care now or the poor devil will get lynched by all the other pissed off kids.

dramakat11 0

OMG were the hamsters okay? You totally deserve it. It would have been obvious if you even looked at the thing. You probably just glanced.

Kuroftw 0

Small, live animal in plastic ball with no padding being kicked, not to mention the impact of the ground? I sincerely doubt it.

u should go play with your ******. that's what the nigs do. they all have em

how did you not notice the difference??? last time i checked, a rubber ball and a hamster ball look totally different. YDI

pedegg 0

"Today, I was outside playing with my hamster in his ball, when he got away from me for a second. Then some hateful, idiot bitch kicked my poor little hamster across the road. FML."

goodlookinat15 0

you soooo deserved it im sorry but ur a dumbass

teach_fml 0

that is freaking hillarious, awful, but hillarious.

You didn't notice the hamster in it, you douchebag? I can't say YDI, because what did you get out of it, guilt? Those kids lost their hamster. F the kids' lives.