By workerbee - 27/01/2009 14:25 - United States

Today, I was on a conference call in my office with the door closed. I let out some loud farts and felt liberated. Forgot my phone was NOT on mute. There were only 3 people on the conference call - including me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 167
You deserved it 22 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so technically, if one of the people heard it they could have thought it was either you OR the third person?


eh, they most likely just thought it was background noise. Unless it sounded like a stereotypical fart, then you're boned.

this has like no comments. soo hey. just a comment in october of 2013.

rastapasta 11

Just laugh about it. You farted. Big deal.

I can taste it right on my tongue. Is that onions? Yep Onions and... Ketchup! Okay now the suits seem a little ****** up

Ouch. That's embarrassing. Hopefully they won't give you too hard a time about that. And maybe next time you'll make sure to double-check your phone. ;)