By Samaritan - 19/01/2010 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I was given a ticket for running a red light. The reason? I was moving out of the way of an ambulance. The police officer watched it go by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 728
You deserved it 3 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bribe him with a doughnut. If that doesn't work, file a complaint.


I agree with number 2. you can take it to court and get drop the charges

aww he jus wares some action, unfortunately he chose you. FYL

The law is the law, and there's NO excuse for violating the rules and regulations set by the authorities. /sarcasm Yes, what you did was illegal in most areas. I also think that the cop shouldn't have if there was no other way for the ambulance to get around and the crosswalk was clear.

paks7 0

didn't read all the comments so i don't know if this was asked or not...but are there not sensors or anything on the lights in england? here in the us when an ambulance is driving with its lights on the upcoming traffic lights turn green so that this problem can be avoided. and seriously nobody hit me with those "we're not all from the us" comments. i'm aware of that, I'M JUST ASKING.

iamtheplatypus 0

Fight the ticket. Explain the situation in court and the judge should throw it out. I had a similar problem here in Florida 9 years ago. The video from the cop car showed the entire thing and it got dropped right away AND the cop got in trouble because apparently this isn't the first time he had done that. It may be the same situation you are in.

gmarquis90 0

Thats messed up. Some cops are retarded. My brother is a truck driver. He was pulled over for doing 73 in a 65. Problem is, all of the trucks are governed at 65 for fuel conservation. He explained that to the cop, but he still got cited. He did fight it, and although he still had to pay a fine, his lawyer managed to get the charge dropped enough that he didn't get points on his license. Talk to a traffic court lawyer. See what he says, and if he thinks you can win, go for it!

horselvr9008 0

that is bull! I would definately try taking that to court because you following one law caused you to break another. Definately a catch 22. Those cops need to find something better to do with their time!

califormula 0
chacha101908 0