By solarecliptic - 08/12/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was fired because I skipped a week of work without calling nor telling anyone. His secretary forgot to tell him about my scheduled days off for anticipation for my daughter's birth. My boss had already hired someone else so he gave me his secretary's job. Wrong time for a pay decrease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 325
You deserved it 2 695

solarecliptic tells us more.

solarecliptic 0

We are to notify the secretary of extended leave of absence - not the boss. The day or two after I made this post, the Boss gave me my old job back. Thankfully the new guy hadn't actually started working yet - so he was apologized to and did not start working. My boss hasn't filled his secretary position and I don't think he intends to. The company gave me a 10k/yr raise due to the circumstances.

Top comments

I say get a lawyer and sue. That's ridiculous. The least he could do, if he was gonna give you his secretary's job, is paying you the same he did before.


Actually, illegal. If you take Paternity Leave, they are required to give you your old job back, or a different job that pays the same amount or more. (As long as you worked there for like 52 weeks before the baby was SUPPOSED to arrive. So if she had gone into preterm labor, and you were only at 50 weeks, but she was due 2 weeks after that, it'd still count.) My husband already warned his managers that he's going to take 2 weeks off, and that I'm highrisk for preterm, so I'm not worried. Because if 1 forgets, there's always the other 2.

You still need to apply for FMLA, I think beforehand, you can't just not show up for a week.

I highly doubt your boss could get a replacement within a week, unless he was planning to fire you anyway. If so, be glad you have the other job.

That's bull. Even if the state of Virginia doesn't provide the same working benefits, the FMLA makes it illegal to discriminate against employees taking paternity leave so long as you meet the following conditions: * You aren't in the highest 10% income bracket in your company, under which constraint your employer only need "prove" that your absence presents an substantial economical impact on the company to deny your leave. * You work for federal, state, or local government or for a company with 50+ employees within a 75 mile radius. * You have worked for your employer for at least 12 months and 1,250 hours within the previous year. * You requested the leave at least 30 days in advance (federally required). If you don't qualify for FMLA rights and your state doesn't provide anything better, then your boss really isn't under any legal obligation to grant your leave. On the other hand, if he violated the law, then you need to report it to the authorities.

dude you should hve called and spoke with your boss not thee secretary bu at least you have a job. hopefully thee one that replaced you gets fired/quits_lols_

In any sane country, you could sue your boss for this. It is usually illegal to dismiss people without good cause.

Maybe its just me but...don't they have a program which has every employee in it with worked hours, time taken off etc to calculate wages?

Well atleast your boss was nice enough to give you a job still and #46... money would be the reason :)

I call shenanigans. Companies have to give you time off for the birth of a child. Just because your boss didn't tell everyone else is not your problem. If this is real then it sucks but I would suggest speaking with HR, they might be able to override your bosses decision.

You've got it backwards. It's not the boss who didn't tell people, it's the boss who wasn't told. OP, I'm not familiar with the FMLA, but since other people have brought it up, take advantage of it. Also, your boss sounds like a fair person, sacking the secretary (who was the responsible party) and giving you some kind of job. Yeah, this situation sucks, but it could have been a lot worse.

You shouldn't have to take a pay cut, just because another of his staff didn't do their job right. You should get on his case for that.

In France, the OP would have been hired back, even if that makes two person to do the same job, since the boss cannot fire the new hired guy. However the secretary may have been fired for incompetence (or at least got a huge blame).