By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, I was cashiering at a grocery store when an elderly woman came through my line buying prune juice. She then whispered to me that last time she bought it, she "blew up her toilet". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 584
You deserved it 2 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SweetestSin 4

She totally needs to be the prune juice spokeswoman


sexyman64 0

There's an awful lot of old ladys whispering weird stuff to cashiers. Mabey it's just coincidence.

PleaseSayTheBaby 0

Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it. Don’t let erection problems keep you from a more satisfying sexual experience. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED), and how you can treat it. What is erectile dysfunction? ED is when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis. ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment. Many men avoid discussing ED. In fact, they often wait more than a year before talking to their doctor. But once they’ve had the discussion, most guys say they feel relieved to have finally done something about it.

hbgoddard 0


pneumoniaman 0

Why is it that old people somehow lose their ability to filter their thoughts and avoid talking about disgusting or inappropriate things?

Because they've seen and done things. A little talk about poop isn't the end of the world to them.

YoungTechnique 0

Ughh... There goes my lunch.

Can someone explain the FMLness of this? It's not a bad thing, it's just something to laugh at in the near future.

oopsyipooped 0