By plzdontclapme - 01/07/2012 23:03

Today, I tripped on the way back from collecting a prize in front of 600 students and their parents. I got more applause than I did when collecting the prize. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 635
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Breaking a fall deserves a clap haha

That's funny! Honestly, you're tripping out over nothing!


sarahrocrocrocks 5

This will probably get voted down, but..... Have a nice trip see you next Fall :D

perdix 29

Makes total sense. Sure, you get polite applause for winning a prize, but the audience really gets nothing from it. However, watching some pompous ass fall flat on his ass is a huge win for the whole audience, so thunderous applause would rightly erupt!

The_F3rris 11

They were applauding you because you turned a very boring award ceremony into something exciting.

KiddNYC1O 20
sommergirl16 3

Awwwww ur life really sucks im so sorry ;(

Thats society today they cheer u when your up, but love it when u fall

perdix 29

Guess you were THAT "good" of a teacher... Sad creature you are