By Lady_Gunslinger9 - 11/08/2015 21:38 - United Kingdom - Durham

Today, I told my boyfriend I was scared to open up to him because I had lost people in the past by doing so. After an hour of him trying to convince me to share my thoughts with him, I finally agreed to tell him some things that were worrying me. He broke up with me a minute later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 281
You deserved it 2 727

Lady_Gunslinger9 tells us more.

Hey guys I'm the OP, just thought I'd make an account and give you all some extra information. I have an anxiety disorder and depression, he knew about both of these and he could tell I wasn't feeling okay so he asked me what was wrong, I tried to convince him it was nothing because I don't feel comfortable opening up to people because of things that have happened in my past. When he eventually convinced me I wasn't going to lose him if I opened up, I took a risk. I told him some things that were worrying me and no it's nothing crazy or weird (although the murder comments did cheer me up a little). The conversation led to talking about our relationship and that's when he ended it. I'm better off without him because anyone who cant deal with me telling them small things that everyone goes through certainly couldn't handle something big if it ever happened. I am sad it ended but I know its probably for the best

Top comments

What the hell are you telling these people??!!

People like that are why I have trust issues!


I had the same thing happen so I know you're pain, OP. I'm sorry this happened to you <3

RedPillSucks 31

yeah. every time I mention to my girlfriends that I'm a blood splatter expert and an occasional serial killer they run out on me. I don't know why people can't be trusted any more

aislinn_skye 10

Eh, you'll find someone eventually and the two of you will run off together and live happily ever after... right? RIGHT? !

VoodooPriestess 16

My mom told me she was always very upfront with her more "eccentric" thoughts and lifestyle choices to see if they were worth keeping.

what happened? i mean what are you worrying about

deleteme 22

I guy did that with me as well. I'm done with guys now.

Hey guys I'm the OP, just thought I'd make an account and give you all some extra information. I have an anxiety disorder and depression, he knew about both of these and he could tell I wasn't feeling okay so he asked me what was wrong, I tried to convince him it was nothing because I don't feel comfortable opening up to people because of things that have happened in my past. When he eventually convinced me I wasn't going to lose him if I opened up, I took a risk. I told him some things that were worrying me and no it's nothing crazy or weird (although the murder comments did cheer me up a little). The conversation led to talking about our relationship and that's when he ended it. I'm better off without him because anyone who cant deal with me telling them small things that everyone goes through certainly couldn't handle something big if it ever happened. I am sad it ended but I know its probably for the best

Seriously OP, good for you! You sound like you are better off without him and taking it in your stride.

As someone who also suffers from depression and anxiety I know what it's like to not open up to people. You're better off without someone who isn't going to support you in your life. Here's to hoping that you find someone who can handle you at your worst and best.

You will find reasonable people who will understand you one day. Good luck :)

Hope you're doing well OP. I have anxiety too and i understand that tell people what's bothering you can be difficult. Normally seeing a psychiatrist can help a lot

extraballbing 4

OP, I am sorry you had to go through this, but it sounds like you are handling it with a lot of maturity. You deserve someone who is able to handle things like this. The good news is that there are lots of good men who can. Your ex is just getting out of the way so that the right guy, at the right time, has the room to bring the right things to your life. All the best.

I am glad you understand you are better off without him. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and social phobia and I can understand being scared to open up. There are people out there that will support and help you, though, and those are the people you need to be with. Partners should help comfort one another and help build each other up. I wish you luck!

I know how you feel in that whole regard it's mostly why I don't talk to many people and just don't date. My story might be different from yours on how you got to be like this but for me the easiest way for me is to talk to people through the Internet and just draw my emotions out and listen to music while I do it. write in a journal or write a story based on your personal life just don't dwell on things that have happned to much.

Crazy... Don't know who was more crazy, but it sounds like you both lost.

you didn't tell I-used-to-be-a-dude thing, did you?